
By and About War Tax Resisters

(also see the TV & Radio interviews page)


Anabaptist World (National) — “Mennonite Church USA Honors Two Peacemakers,” by Jessica Griggs (November 28)

Counter Punch (California) — “Modern Climate Civil Disobedience,” by Daniel Warner (November 4)

Curbed (New York) – “One Woman’s Quest to Rescue the Trash of the Lower East Side,” by Aaron Reiss & Thomas Prior (September 6)

AntiWar.Blog (National) – “A Pacifist Even in the Tax War,” by Joel Schlosberg (August 8)

Fight Back! News (Minnesota) – “On Hiroshima Anniversary, Minneapolis Says No to Nuclear War,” by Wyatt Miller (August 8).

National Catholic Reporter (National) – “Tom Cornell, Catholic Worker Stalwart and Christian Nonviolence Writer, Dies,” by Thomas C. Fox (August 3).

Fight Back! News (Minnesota) – “Minnesota Groups Join Local Anti-NATO Protests during the June NATO Summit,” by Drake Thomas Myers (June 30).

Servant Song (Massachusetts) – “U.S. Weapons, Ukraine, and War Tax Resistance,” by Lincoln Rice (June 27).

American Prospect (National) – “If Republicans Win in 2024 by Fraud… Mass Tax Revolt,”  by Robert Kuttner (May 24).

Teen Vogue (National) – “Economic Disobedience: What is It and How does it Work?,” by Jacqui Germain (May 10).

Volere La Luna (Italy) – “Per la Pace: Rilanciare L’obiezione Fiscale e L’impegno dei Comuni,” by Moreno Biagioni (May 7).

Forbes (National) – “Independent Economy Council Reports Many 1099 Workers Troubled by Tax Obligations,” by Peter J. Reilly (April 14).

The Nation (National) – “The Leftist Argument for Not Paying Your Taxes,” by Rebecca Gordon (April 13).

Daily Campus (Storrs, CT) – “Defending Anti-War Motivated Tax Resistance,” by Owen Silverman (April 13).

Common Dreams (National) – “‘Too Distraught’: Confessions of a Failed Tax Resisters,” by Rebecca Gordon (April 12).

Lancaster Online (Lancaster, PA) – “Payers Must Demand Peace,” by H. A. Penner (March 22).

Voluntown Peace Trust (National) – Collection of Articles on WTR Eroseanna Robinson from 1960 (March 17).

Anabaptist World (United States) – “100 New War-Tax Resisters,” by H. A. Penner (March 4).

Coin Desk (National) – “How Tax Protesters Set Off the Bitcoin Revolution,” by David Z. Morris (February).

Ground Zero (Washington State) – “War Tax Resistance,” by Lincoln Rice & Glen Milner (January).


Recorder (Greenfield, MA) – “An Activist’s Life Recalled: Randy Kehler Served Time in Prison, Lost the Family Home for Anti-War Stance” by Diane Broncaccio (December 31).

Mennonite Church USA (National) – “Statement on the Value and Morality of the 2022 U.S. Defense Budget,” by Mennonite Church USA staff, in collaboration with the Mennonites Against Militarism Reference Council (December 14).

The Good Men Project (National) – “325 Organizations Propose Solution You’ve Never Heard Of” by David Swanson (October 2).

Billy Penn (Philadelphia) – “The ‘War Tax’ Resistance Movement and the Philly Athlete Who Pioneered Anthem Protests” by Avi Wolfman-Arent (September 10).

National Catholic Reporter (National) – “We Could All Learn a Lesson on Disarmament from Archbishop Hunthausen” by Leonard Eiger (August 23).

Catholic Agitator (Los Angeles) – “War Tax Resistance” by David & Janet Hartsough (August).

Forbes (National) – “Thoreau’s Arrest for Tax Protesting was Illegal – And it Changed the World” by Joseph Thorndike (July 29).

The Commons (Vermont) – “War Tax Resisters to Celebrate Resistance, Peace, and Hope on Tax Day” (May 12).

CNN (National) – “Long Before Colin Kaepernick Knelt, A Black Female Athlete Defied the U.S. National Anthem, But She’s Been Largely Forgotten” by Steven Poole (April 26).

Radical Discipleship (National) – “War Tax Resistance 101” by Radical Discipleship (April 19). (National) – “Jeshua’s Peace Invites Tax Resistance” by Mike Rivage-Seul (April 18).

Truth Out (National) – “War Tax Resisters Divert their Money from War to Human Welfare” by Ella Fassler (April 15).

Portside (National) – “Prelude to Tax Day” by Pat Hynes (April 15)

Sojourners (National) – “Do You Like Paying for War: These Christians Refuse” by Mitchell Atencio (April 12).

The Commons (Brattleboro, Vermont) – “Our Taxes are our Legacy” by Lindsey Britt (March 24).

United for Peace & Justice — “War Tax Resistance Resources for Tax Season 2021” by Lincoln Rice  (March 19). — “The ‘Hey Hey Just Don’t Pay’ Tax Strategy” by Peter J Reilly  (February 19).

MEL Magazine (Los Angeles, California) – “Is Dodging Taxes Ever a Winning American Protest” by Eddie Kim (January 8).

Investopedia (United States) – “Federal Telephone Excise Tax” by Lea D. Uradu (January 1).


Wellesley College News (Wellesley, Massachusetts)  – “On International Peace Day: Thoughts on Pacifism in 2020 from Professor Larry Rosenwald” (September 21).

Christian Peacemaker Teams (International)  – “Work for Peace; Stop Paying for War,” by Murray Lumley (September 18).

The Chronicle (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)  – “Respecting the Dignity of Every Human Being: Reflections on John Lewis” by Jack Payden-Travers (August 26).

Waging Nonviolence (National – “Dear IRS, We Cannot in Conscience Pay for War” by David Hartsough and Jan Hartsough (July 14).

Eugene Weekly (Eugene, Oregon – “Defund the Pentagon Budget,” by Gwen Jaspers (July 9).

Mennonite World Review (United States) – “War Tax Resisters,” by Richard Yoder (20 June)

Anchorage Press (Anchorage, Alaska – “Memorial Day Rethought,” by Tom H. Hastings (May 25).

Mennonite World Review (United States) – “MC USA Promotes Church Peace Tax Fund,” by Mennonite Church USA (May 18).

Mennonite USA News (United States) – “Mennonite Church USA Promotes Church Peace Tax Fund,” by M.C. USA Staff (April 29).

Waging Nonviolence (United States) – “Meet a New Generation of Tax Resisters Refusing to Pay for War,” by Lindsey Britt (April 25).

Mennonite World Review (United States) – “A Peace Tax Fund,” by H. A. Penner (April 20).

Sentinel Source (Keene, New Hampshire) – “Meet the People who Refuse to Pay their Taxes,” by Mary Finn (April 15).

Bold Italic (San Francisco) – “This Day in History, April 11, 2020,” (April 11).

Metro Times (Detroit) – “Detroit-Area Bishop Calls for Catholics to Refuse to Participate in U.S. Wars,” by Lee DeVito (January 14).


Chestnut Hill Local (Pennsylvania) – “Project Learn, ‘A School Community,’ Celebrate 50 Years in 2020,” by Sue Ann Rybok (December 27).

Lancaster Online (Pennsylvania) – “Mennonite Church USA Looks to Create a Way for Members to Redirect their Taxes Away from Military Spending,” by Earle Cornelius (July 13).

Greenfield Recorder (Massachusetts) – “Remembering Activist Thomas Wilson: ‘He Lived His Principles,'” by Richie Davis (May 13).

El Diaro (Spain) – “War Tax Resistance is Still not a Right, but neither can it be Punished,” by Emilio J. Martinez (May 6).

Daily Hampshire Gazette (Massachusetts) – “Dear IRS, Why I’m Skipping My Tax Payment This Year,” by Aaron Falbel (April 25).

Pressenza International Press Agency – “Tackling the ‘Impossible’: Ending Violence,” by Robert Burrowes (April 24).

Dorchester Reporter (Boston) – “Activists Slam Trump’s Budget during Tax Day Rally in Uphams Corner,” by Yukun Zhang (April 18).

Mennonite World Review (USA) – “We’ll Pay for Peace: Fund Would Support War Tax Resistance, Uphold Rights of Conscience” by H. A. Penner & John Stoner (Article on page 10).

The Berkeley Daily Planet (California) – “Smithereens: Reflections on Bits & Pieces,” by Gar Smith (April 12).

Chicago Reader –“Oop! Ack! It’s Tax Time,” by Salem Collo-Julin (April 11).

Greenfield Recorder (Greenfield, Massachusetts) – “Death & Taxes? On Choosing Life with a New Green Deal,” by Anna Gyorgy (April 10).

Citizen Truth – “Documentary ‘The Pacifist’ Asks What Can We All Do About Endless War,” by Lauren von Bernuth (April 9).

Friends Journal (Philadelphia) – “Our Peace Testimony & Taxes,” by Sister Alegría del Señor (April 1).

Ground Zero (Poulsbo, Washington) – “Tom Shea–Rest in Peace and Power” by Leonard Eiger (April 1).

Mennonite World Review – “Is Now the Time to Create a ‘Church Peace Tax Fund’?” by H.A. Penner & John K. Stoner (March 28).

Creative Resistance: A Showcase for Activist Art – Reprinted a NWTRCC Blog Post, “Increasing ‘Lethality’ of Drones?” by Lincoln Rice (March 26).

Citizen Truth – Reprint of a NWTRCC Blog Post, “Increasing ‘Lethality’ of Drones?” by Lincoln Rice (March 14).

Ground Zero Newsletter (Washington State) – “War Tax Resistance and Nukes- Then and Now” by Ruth Benn (PDF p. 3; January 2019).


Valley Post (Vermont) — “Locals Work to Cut Military Budget,” by Eesha Williams (October 24) (Portsmouth, New Hamp.) — “Penny Poll held in Market Square” by Seacoast Peace Response and Occupy New Hampshire Seacoast. — NWTRCC Wants Tax Day To Be Peace Day by Peter J Reilly  (April 13)

Valley Post (Vermont) — “Peace Rally,” by Eesha Williams (April 4) — 50 years ago this protester spent 62 days fasting in Cincinnati jail. She’s still got game. by Cameron Knight (March 26)

MSN News slide show — “Notable acts of tax resistance throughout history” by Ellen Chang with link on slide #19 back to NWTRCC’s history pages (March 2018).

Lancaster Online (Pennsylvania) — World War I conscientious objectors come to life in British actor’s play March 13 at Akron church (March 2)


Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine — “Teachings from the Global South for Revolutionaries in Global North,” by Howard Waitzkin (November 1)

Valley Post (Vermont) — “For Peace, Against Pollution,” by Eesha Williams (November 1)

Arts Everywhere (Canada) — From Taxes to Yemen by Niki Singleton (October 11)

Went2theBridge Blog (Maine) — Is “Good German” Status Quo The Order Of Our Day? #Aegis9 by Jason Rawn (July 2017)

Truthsayers (Ithaca, NY) — No War, No Trump: Tax Resisters Withhold Support (April 19)

WGME (Maine) – Marchers protest excessive spending at the Pentagon (April 19)

The News & Advance (Lynchburg, VA) —  Lynchburg ‘war tax resister’ speaks about pacifist lifestyle by Alex Rohr  (April 18)

Ithaca Voice — Tompkins residents divert taxes and refunds to local re-entry program by Kelsey O’Connor (April 18)

Truthout — Where Your Dollars Are Going: Why Some Antiwar Activists Are Withholding Taxes by Lindsay Koshgarian (April 18)

The Commons (Wyndham County, Vermont) — Taking personal risks not for war, but for peace: War-tax resistance comes with a price, but brings gifts of the spirit by Daniel Sicken

Mary Finn’s article with titles such as, “Tax resisters see movement grow in Donald Trump’s America” appears in:  Baltimore City PaperFort Worth Weekly, Orlando WeeklyColorado Springs Independent or the digital edition , Athens Georgia FlagpoleSalt Lake City (April 12)

Waging Nonviolence — “Little Insurrections: Why tax resistance under Trump needs its antiwar edge” by
Frida Berrigan (April 5) Also on Common Dreams and Truthout

VICE Canada — A Case for Not Paying Your Taxes in Protest by Rob Benvie (March 21)

The Statesman — Professor Plans To Resist Federal Income Taxes in Protest of Trump Administration (March 23)

The Village Voice — Americans Are Stiffing the IRS to Protest Trump by Tim Donnelly (March 13)

Observador (Lisbon, Portugal) — Muro? Não com os meus dólares”. Americanos não querem pagar impostos a Donald Trump by Ana França  (March 6)

The New Republic — Growing Up With the War Tax Resisters by Cale Guthrie Weissman (March 3)

Z Magazine — Refusing to pay taxes for the Trump agenda, NWTRCC Press Release (Feb. 27) — Here’s What Happens When You Refuse… by Brad Tuttle (Feb. 23)

MarketWatch — What happens when you refuse to pay taxes for 40 years? (Feb. 21)

The Guardian – We Will Not Pay: the Americans withholding their taxes to fight Trump by Joanna Walters (Feb. 15)

vocativ — Death Of Taxes: An Old Protest Tactic Revived For A New President by Allee Manning (Feb. 1)

Popular Resistance — Tax Protest: Refusing to Pay Income Taxes in the Trump Era, NWTRCC Press Release (Feb. 2)

The Catholic Radical — If You Want Peace, Don’t Pay for War (PDF, p. 6; Feb/March)

LA Progressive — Divest from War, Invest in People by Kathy Kelly (Jan. 31) — Divest from War, Invest in people by Kathy Kelly (Jan. 30)


Boston Review — Let Loose the Line by Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey (Nov. 14, 2016)

Mennonite World Review — “Chaplain redirects some tax dollars to pay for peace” (May 23)

Lancaster (PA) Online — “These Lancaster County pacifists refuse to pay portions of their taxes in silent protest of war” by Earle Cornelius, Staff Writer (April 18)

AlterNet World — “A Friendly Tax Day Reminder: You Are Spending More to Finance the War Machine Than You Might Realize” by Sarah Lazare (April 18)

Eugene Register-Guard — “Use Taxes to Affirm Life, Not War” by Sue Barnhart (April 15)

AFSC Acting in Faith Blog — “God and Caesar: On war tax resistance” by David Zarembka (April 12)

teleSur — “No More Money for War: US Peace Activists Refuse to Pay Taxes” (April 12)

Friends Journal — “How Quaker War Tax Resistance Came and Went, Twice” by David Gross (February 1)

Waging Nonviolence —  “Protecting war tax resistance strengthens antiwar movement” by David Gross (February 11)


Huffington Post — “I Will No Longer Pay Taxes for War” by Matthew Hoh (Apr. 15)

NewsWorks, WHYY News online, Philadelphia — Commentary by Marta Rusek profiling war tax resister Suasn Lee Barton (Apr. 15)

The Cap Times — “Put tax dollars to work preventing war” by Paula Rogge (Apr. 15)

Ithaca Journal — “Refusing to Pay for War this Tax Season” by Sam Koplinka-Loehr (Apr. 15)

Mennonite World Review — “Simple is peaceful” by Don Schrader (Apr. 13)

Eugene Register-Guard — “Tax resister recoils from helping pay for violence and war” by Joanna Castro (Apr. 11)

“Get Arrested” blog — options for war tax resistance, including alternative fund

Peace Voice — 1040 for Peace by Jack Payden-Travers, executive director of the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund (Apr. 12)


Z-Net — “You Have Already Been Drafted” by Erica Weiland (Oct. 21)

The Soapbox — “Petitions, Marches, and Rallies, Oh My!” by Cindy Sheehan (July 31)

PeaceVoice — “In Gaza, US Citizens are Paying Israel’s Tab” by Wim Laven, M.S. (July 20)

Hobby Lobby and WTRSalon “Scalia’s major screw-up: How SCOTUS just gave liberals a huge gift” by Sarah Rudenm (July 14), and TruthOut “Let’s Not Pay Any Taxes That Are Used for War or Prisons, if Hobby Lobby Can Pick and Choose” by Mark Karlin (July 3)

The Mennonite — “Mennonites Say No to War Taxes” (June)

Vice Media — “ Don’t Pay Your Taxes” by Charles Davis (April 14)

WVTF Public Radio — “ Tax Quandary” by Jack Payden-Travers (April 8)

Courier News — “The Tax Dilemma” by Jack Payden-Travers (April 4)

Pax Christi blog  — “What would Jesus do about paying taxes for war?” by William Ruhaak (March 22)

Times Union — “Tax-refuser from Delmar spends weekends in jail” by Chris Churchill (February 3)


Register-Star — “Quaker’s anti-war beliefs land him in jail” John Mason Columbia-Greene Media (December 21)

Forbes online — “IRS Eases Up On War Tax Resisters” by Peter J. Reilly (August 21)

Forbes online — “Freedom Rider Asks To Give Peace A Chance — Peace Tax Fund Act Of 2013” by Peter J. Reilly (July 23)

U.S. Catholic — “Taking steps toward peace in the spirit of the Fourth of July” by Michael McCarthy (July 2)

Indianapolis Star — “IRS Gives No Favors to Tax Protesters on Left Either” by Dan Carpenter (May 16)

CBS 42 (Birmingham, Alabama) — “Birmingham man chooses to not pay taxes” by Kaitlin McCulley (April 17)

Mennonite World Review — “Mennonites in Harrisonburg Hold Forum on War Taxes” by Margaret Forth (April 3)

Waging Nonviolence — “What If They Gave A War and Nobody Paid?” by David Hartsough (March 26)

Forbes online — “War Tax Resisters — Don’t Call Them Frivolous” by Peter J. Reilly (January 6)


MintPress News — “Going Against The Law To Protest Criminal Acts: War Tax Resisters And The Rebellious Spirit” by Frederick Reese (November 6)

Cindy Sheehan Blog Writings on her court case: Peace Has A Day in Court (April 21) Surprise, U.S. Attorney Has Filed (Feb. 21); Love It or Leave It (Jan. 17)

The Sun — “The Butterfly Effect: Julia Butterfly Hill On Activism, Tax Resistance, and What She Learned from a Thousand-Year-Old Redwood” (April)

Lancaster Online (Pennsylvania) — “When tax dollars conflict with religious conviction,” by Jeff Hawkes (March 7)

Your Weekly Paper (Iowa) — “Grinnell resident refuses to pay a war tax,” by Dhayes (March 6)

Mennonite Weekly Review (Newton, Kan.) — “Taxing conscience one war at a time” by Tim Huber (March 5)

New Politics — “On War Tax Resistance” by Lawrence Rosenwald (Winter issue)

CNN — “Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan won’t pay back taxes” (February 22)

Daily Mail (U.K.) — “War activist Cindy Sheehan being sued by IRS because she hasn’t paid taxes since 2004” by Meghan Keneally (February 22)

Reno Gazette-Journal (Nevada) — “Anti-war activist won’t give IRS records, refuses to pay “On War Tax Resistance,” by Lawrence Rosenwald in New Politics, Winter 2012.taxes” by George Warren (February 22)

Huffington Post — “Catholic Bishops’ Contraception Coverage Argument Ridiculed by Pacifist Activists” by Zach Carter (February 13)

Sojourners Blog — We Must Protect Conscience from War by Duane Shank (January 30)


Cindy Sheehan Writings on IRS case: We Will Never Pay (Nov. 8, 2011)

Forbes online — “From The Halls of Montezuma to The Jail of Concord,” by Peter Reilly (August 7)

Crosscurrent on KALW — The other tea partiers: antiwar tax resisters with Steven Short

Forbes online — “IRS Feels Peace Activist’s Stubborn Ounces,” by Peter Reilly (July 30)

Engaging Peace — Morality and taxes (read through comments also), by Kathie Malley-Morrison (March 28)

Huffington Post — “Give to Uncle Sam What is Uncle Sam’s: Tax Season War Resistance” by Shane Claiborne (March 23)

The Mennonite — “A Long Life of Witness and Service” by Susan Miller (February 1)

Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, Mass.) — “Sunday concert honors activist Juanita Nelson, who perseveres for long haul,” by Richie Davis (January 22)


Willamette Week (Oregon) — “A Portlander protests America’s wars one small IRS check at a time,” by Jacob Pierce (November 17)

Seacoastonline (Portsmouth, N.H.) — “Health care, environment again top War Tax Education Penny Poll,” by Joshua Clark, and Foster’s Daily Democrat “Annual penny poll has Portsmouth residents voicing their opinions” by Charles McMahon (April 16)

Daily Kos — “If you work for peace, stop paying for war” by RandomNonviolence (April 15)

KVAL (Eugene, Oregon) — “Political right and left take to streets on Tax Day” (April 15)

Religion Dispatches Magazine (San Francisco, Calif.) — “Taxes, War, and Religion: Queering the 1040,” by Susan Henking (April 14)

News & Advance (Lynchburg, Virginia) — “Who ignores the taxman?” by Darrell Laurant (April 4)


The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) — “Panel examines ‘war tax resistance’” by Ryan Poe (October 25)

Chicago News Examiner — Bag the tea, here’s a tax protest with a more focused message” by Marj Halperin (April 15)

Style Weekly (Richmond, Virginia) — No one can escape death and taxes, right?” by Amy Biegelsen (April 15)

Greenfield Recorder (Greenfield, Mass.) — “Centenary celebration to recall peace activist [Wally Nelson]” (March 24)

Denver Post (Denver, Col.) — “Quaker physician spent time in jail for tax protest [Arthur Evans]”” (March 24)

Mennonite Weekly Review (Newton, Kan.) — “War-tax resisters seek to owe nothing but love” by Susan Miller Balzer (February 16)

Greenfield Recorder (Greenfield, Mass.) — “Tempered reaction: Tax-resister Juanita Nelson skeptical” by Richie Davis (January 21)


Birmingham News (Alabama) — “War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee meets in Birmingham and sends money to humanitarian causes” by Erin Stock (May 4)

Birmingham News (Alabama) — “Anti-war tax protesters meet in Birmingham; New Orleans clinic among cash gift recipients” by Erin Stock (May 3)

Foster’s Daily Democrat (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) — “Taxpayers educated on where the money goes” by Charles McMachon (April 16)

KLCC (Eugene, Oregon) — “Tax Resisters put their money toward local charities” by Rachael McDonald (April 15)

Daily Californian (Berkeley, Calif.) — “In Protest Against War, Some Decline to Pay Taxes” by Jacqueline Johnston (April 15)

Seven Days (Vermont) — “In Vermont, War-Tax Resistance Dies Hard” by Mike Ives (April 2)

Berkeley Daily Planet (Berkeley, Calif.) — “The Noble American Tradition of Tax Resistance” by Gar Smith (April 1)

Harper’s — “Why I pay my taxes” by Ben Metcalf (April)

Money — “How to Pay Zero Taxes” by Marlys Harris (March 27)

The Gazette (Colorado Springs) — “A protest of war by not paying taxes” by Debbie Kelley (February 15)

Independent (Colorado Springs) — “The war on war tax” by David Owens (February 14)

Utne Reader (Minneapolis, Minn.) — “Heartland: I Won’t Pay My Taxes If You Won’t Pay Yours” by Nina Rothschild Utne (Jan/Feb)

OPB News (Portland, Oregon) — “Some Withhold Taxes To Protest The War” by Kristian Foden-Vencil (January 11)


Truthdig — “Why We Resist” by Chris Hedges (December 10)

The Nation — “Hands Off Iran” by Chris Hedges (November 21)

Boston Phoenix — “Cutting off your taxes to spite Uncle Sam” by Deirdre Fulton (October 31)

KRCG TV News (Iowa) — “God Over Government; Religion Over Taxes” by Steve Nicoles (July 11)

Associated Press (via Common Dreams) — “Fed Up with War, Some Won’t Pay Taxes” by John Christoffersen (July 4)

Brooklyn Eagle (Brooklyn, N.Y.) — “Brooklyn Tax Protester Owes Gov’t $70,000 — And He’s Proud of It” (April 23)

The Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.) — “Increasingly, war tax resisters defy IRS in protest over Iraq” by Wayne Woolley (April 16) [via Common Dreams]

Willamette Week (Oregon) — “Death Tax” by Beth Slovic (April 11)

Home News Tribune (Middlesex, N.J.) — “War foe says his piece with tax boycott” by Rebecca Lerner (April 8)

San Francisco Chronicle  (San Francisco, Calif.) —  “The tax bucks stop here: Resisters withhold payment in protest of U.S. sending troops to Iraq” by Pia Sarkar (April 3)

Eugene Weekly (Oregon) — “Taxes for Peace” by Sue Barnhart (March 29)

SmartMoney — “Skipping Tax Bill Is One Way Some Are Protesting Iraq War” by Aleksandra Todorova (March 21)

Columbia News Service (New York, N.Y.) — “Conscientious tax resisters say they won’t fund war” by Deena Guzder (February 27)


Isthmus (Madison, Wisconsin) — “A simple solution to war and global warming” by Bill Lueders (August 31)

Rutland Herald (Vermont) — “Tax resisters refuse to pay for U.S. war” by Daniel Barlow (April 17)

Associated Press (Washington, D.C.) — “Some Plan Tax Resistance” (April 17)

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — “Taxpayer says no more for war” by David B. Berrian (April 16)

El País (Uruguay) — “Estadounidenses contrarios a guerra en Irak protestan al no pagar impuestos” (April 16)

Christian Science Monitor — “When the Tax Man cometh, they don’t answer the bell” by Chris Gaylord (April 14)

Berkeley Daily Planet (California) — “Tax Resistance: Woman Opposes War, IRS” by Suzanne La Barre (April 14)

USA Today (South Bend, Indiana) — “‘War on tax’ waged against costs of war” by Judy Keen (April 13)

Vanguard (Portland State University) — “War opponents withhold taxes” by Christie Toth (April 10)

Rutland Herald (Vermont) — “Tax resisters try to skirt paying to support war” by Peter Hirschfeld (February 19)


Seattle Post-Intelligencer — “Many refuse to pay ‘war tax’ on phone bill” by M.L. Lyke (December 9)

San Francisco Chronicle — “Not paying phone tax becomes war protest” by David Lazarus (December 4)

The Indypendent — “‘No Way, We Won’t Pay’” by Erin Thompson (October 19)

Portland Phoenix (Maine) — “Fight the Power” by Sara Donnelly (April 15)

Sun-Journal (Lewiston, Maine) — “Resisters keep incomes below filing threshold” by Kelly Morgan (April 15)

Chicago Tribune — “Outraged by war, tax resisters ignore filing deadline” by Russell Working (April 14)

The NewStandard (Syracuse, N.Y.) — “Anti-War Activists Promote ‘Tax Resistance’ as Direct Protest” by Martha Baskin (April 12)

Seattle Post-Intelligencer — “War tax resisters want a better world” by Glen Milner (February 13)


Oakland Tribune (Oakland, Calif.) — “War protesters close federal building” by Heather MacDonald (April 16)

AFP (New York, N.Y.) — “Activists Urge Tax Payers to Withhold Money to Protest Iraq” (April 16)

The Union (Grass Valley, California) — “Tax D-Day is Here” by Millete Birhanemaskel (April 15)

St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Fl.) — “Protesting war, a few dollars at a time” by Aaron Sharockman (April 15)

Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, Vt.) — “Local War Tax Resister Follows His Conscience” by Carolyn Lorie (April 12) [via Common Dreams]

The American Sentimentalist (Chicago, IL) — “War tax resisters balk at paying for American militarism” by Mark W. Anderson (April 4) [and May 2004 Z magazine]

Alibi (Albuquerque, New Mexico) — “Thoreau’s Army” by Singeli Agnew (March 25)

Alibi (Albuquerque, New Mexico) — “The Tao of Tax Avoiding” by Singeli Agnew (March 25)


New York Times (New York, N.Y.) — “U.S. Sues Quaker Group Over Taxes” (July 27) [andPhiladelphia Inquirer — “‘War-tax’ protest prompts U.S. suit” by Joseph A. Slobodzian (July 23)]

Associated Press (via — “Some Peace Activists Won’t Pay Fed Taxes” by Krista Larson (April 16)

Associated Press (St. Louis) — “War tax resisters refuse to pay Uncle Sam” by Betsy Taylor (April 15)

Gannett News Service (Washington, D.C.) — “War-tax resisters refuse to pony up for bullets, bombs, guns” by Greg Barrett (April 14)

Hartford Courant (Hartford, Conn.) — “Tax Statement: Some War Protesters Withhold Payments to IRS” by Roselyn Tantraphol (April 13)

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Knight Ridder (Milwaukee, Wis.) — “Tax Protesters Report More Interest since War Began” by Scott Williams (April 7)

Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, Calif.) — “Protests target Uncle Sam’s wallet” by Will Evans (April 2)

Village Voice — “Dollar Dissent” by Chisun Lee (April 1)

Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, Vt.) — “Area demonstrators urge tax resistance” by Eesha Williams (March 3)


New York Times (New York, N.Y.) — “War Resisters: ‘We Won’t Go’ to ‘We Won’t Pay’” by Feclicia R. Lee (August 3)

Portaland Mercury — “Don’t Like Military Spending? Give Your Tax Dollars to Someone Else! by Katia Dunn (April 18)

Associated Press (Berkeley, California) — “Protesters oppose death, taxes” by Paul Glader (April 15)


Sun-Journal (Lewiston, Maine) — “Home survives IRS sale” by Judith Meyer (June 20)

Sun-Journal (Lewiston, Maine) — “‘Hands off our Homes’” by Mary Lou Wendell (June 19)


Star (Wilmington, North Carolina) — “Tax resisters turn cash over to ‘common good’” (April 15)


Reading Eagle (Philadelphia) — “Magazine to pay IRS” (April 25)

New York Times — “Taxes for Life” by Ari L. Goldman (April 18)

New York Times — “Colrain Journal; Peace Advocates Turn Tax Resistance Into a Ritual” (March 9)


Seattle Times — “War Foes Urge Withholding of Taxes” by Dee Norton (February 20)


Patriot and Free Press (Cuba, New York) — “In This Corner” (June 6)


New York Times (Colrain, Massachusetts) — “Nuclear Protester May Lose Home Over Tax Stand” (April 16)

United Press International (Philadelphia) — “Quakers will not pay taxes” (April 11)

Mother Jones — “Taxation Hesitation” by Clark Norton (April)


The Harvard Crimson (Massachusetts) — “Group Provides Protest Advice” by Kelly D. Eckel (April 5)


Mother Jones — “Resisters Go In Peace On April 15” by Anita Katz (April)

Finger Lakes Times (New York) — “Dreaming of a Peace Tax Fund” by Colman McCarthy (April)

Daily Collegian (Pennsylvania State University) — “Protesters resist military taxes” by W. Thompson Holland (March 10)


Colombia Missourian — “11 demonstrators oppose use of taxes for military” by Mollie Vento (April 16)

Milwaukee Journal — “‘Cabbage Patch Resistance’ marks a true war-tax hero” by Stephen Brockmann (April 12)

Associated Press (Seattle, Washington) — “60 use taxes to protest military spending” (February 12)


Gainesville Sun (Florida) — “When morals clash with Uncle Sam’s bill” by Horance G. Davis (April 15)

Chigago Sun-Times — “Tax resister mails a protest return every day” (April 15)

Associated Press (Athens, Ohio) — “Quaker Says She’ll Face Jail Rather Than Pay Fine” by Sue Cross (March 28)


Gainesville Sun (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) — “Mennonites Vote to Pay No More Taxes for Military” (August 20)

The Dispatch (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) — “Mennonites’ Vote Protests Funding Military Activity” (August 5)

The Youngstown Daily Vindicator (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) — “Mennonites Vote Refusal To Withhold U.S. Taxes” (August 3)

New York Times (New Haven, Connecticutt) — “Minister Refuses to Pay Military Share of Taxes” by Douglas C. McGill (July 16)

Associated Press (Seattle, Washington) — “No tax woes — he just doesn’t file” (April 15)

Associated Press (Philadelphia) — “Others join Quaker tax protest” (April 14)

Knight-Ridder (Philadelphia) — “Quakers consider withholding taxes to protest arms” by Michael D. Schaffer (March 27)

Columbia Missourian — “Local man won’t pay federal income taxes” by Betsy Krause (January 16)


The Citizen (Auburn, New York) — “Not One More Cent…” (December 30)

United Press International — “Farmer tries to pay his taxes with grain” by Thomas Ferraro (April 16)

Nashua Telegraph (New Hampshire) — “Area group pledges withheld tax income” (April 14)

Associated Press (Brookville, Ohio) — “Corn refused for taxes” (April 11)

Spokesman-Review (Seattle, Washington) — “Bishop holds nuke share of his taxes” by Jim Camden (February 11)

Associated Press (Seattle, Washington) — “Seattle archbishop will withhold tax” (January 27)

Associated Press (New York) — “23 Lutherans call for tax resistance” (January 16)


Associated Press — “A-bomb anniversary brings peaceful fight” by George W. Cornell (August 8)

Nashua Telegraph (New Hampshire) — “War-tax opponents bank withheld levy” by Jon Sherwood (June 4)

Nashua Telegraph — “War-tax resisters exploring uses for taxes they withheld” (April 18)

Associated Press (Sumter, South Carolina) — “Tax Deadline Brings Protest and Ice Cream” (April 16)

Nashua Telegraph (New Hampshire) — “Hudson woman to hold back on income tax as war protest” by Jon Sherwood (March 27)


United Press International — “Court orders Quaker to pay taxes he owes” (October 29)

United Press International — “More individuals, groups refuse to pay taxes” by Steven W. Syre (April 10)


Columbia Missourian — “Local Quakers support stand of tax resister” by David Wixom (January 17)

Columbia Missourian — “Local War protester leaves for jail term” by J. Russell King (January 7)

Columbia Missourian — “Tax resistance is historical means of protesting war” by J. Russell King (January 7)


The Courier (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) — “Peace churches mount disarmament campaign” (November 11)

The Courier (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) — “Will we pray for peace and pay for war?” (October 14)

Milwaukee Sentinel — “Sects Urge Tax Protest for Peace” (October 9)

Associated Press (New York) — “Protestant groups eye war-tax resistance” (September 23)

Spokane Daily Chronicle — “Tax Protest Techniques Told” (March 4)


Daily Times (Delaware County, Pennsylvania) — “Hearing set for Quaker activist Anthony” (November 29)

Toledo Blade (Bluffton, Ohio) — “Serious Study Urged On War Resistance: Mennonite Conference Considers Tax Action” (November 29)

Daily Times (Delaware County, Pennsylvania) — “Fund targets IRS officess” (March 14)


Time — “Means and Extremes” (May 19)

Daily Illini — “Anarchist encourages social non-violence” by Gary Puckett (May 2)

Associated Press — “War Tax Protesters Face Loss of Property, Freedom” (April 6)

Associated Press (Fremont, Michigan) — “Couple Refused to Support War” (April 2)

Associated Press (Fremont, Michigan) — “Newago Group Tries to Thwart Sale of Protestor’s Property for Back Taxes” (March 19)

Pittsburgh Press (Washington) — “5 In State Lose War Tax Protest” (March 13)


Daily Times (Delaware County, Pennsylvania) — “War tax opponents change name, purpose of group” (June 10)

Associated Press (Palo Alto, California) — “Singer Again Refuses to Pay Her Income Tax” (April 15)


Lakeland Ledger (Florida) “She Softly Fights War” (May 17)

Associated Press (Sacramento, California) — “Joan Baez” (April 5)

The New Courier (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) — “Protest cash put to work” (February 24)

Daily Times (Delaware County, Pennsylvania) — “‘War tax’ resisters provide loan” (February 5)


Associated Press (Austin, Texas) — “Student Loses Car for Not Paying Tax” (August 16)

Time Magazine (New York, N.Y.) — “The Law: The War Tax Protesters” (June 19)

Associated Press — (Grossinger, N.Y.) — “Rabbis Vote to Withhold Tax on Phones” (June 19)

Minnesota Daily — “War Tax Resister Sentenced to 10 Day Jail Term for Contempt of Court” (June 5)

Minnesota Daily — “Tax Refusal Case Could Set Precedent” by Steve Brandt (May 26)

Associated Press — “Most war protesters fail to carry out tax threats” (May 25)

Associated Press (Augusta, Georgia) — “Anti-War Teacher Loses Tax Case” (May 23)

Associated Press (Philadelphia) — “War resister gets probation” (April 18)

Times Record (Troy, New York) — “Plan Protest Of Spending For Military” (April 15)

Columbia Missourian — “War Protest Diverts Telephone Excise Tax To ‘Alternate’ Causes” by Candy Louis (April 12)

Associated Press (Rochester, New York) — “IRS office ‘handcuffed’” (March 31)

Eugene Register-Guard (Oregon) — “Anti-war group urges tax resistance” (March 13)

Daily Collegian (Pennsylvania State University) — “Excise tax resistance fails to go unnoticed” by Rick Boyd (March 13)

Missourian (Columbia, Missouri) — “Anti-War Tax Movement Set” by Gwen Tistera (February 27)

Associated Press (Philadelphia) — “Cleric’s tax to be paid by diocese” (January 23)


The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Group Protests Fed Excise Tax” (December 9)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Demonstrators Voice Protests Of Phone Tax” (May 10)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Cornell Mobe Sponsors Protest Against Federal Telephone Tax” by Maia Licker (April 9)

St. Petersburg Times — “Finding Out Who ‘Really’ Spends Your Tax Money” by Ernest B. Furgurson (April 7)

Village Voice — “War Tax Resistance” by Mary Breasted (April 1)

Associated Press (St. Paul, Minnesota) — “IRS Refuses Goods For Tax Payment” (April?)

Daily Illini (Illinois) — “Phone tax boycott called” by Gary Raether (March 24)

The Harvard Crimson (Massachusetts) — “1150 to Withold Phone Tax As Indochina War Protest” (March 13)

The Harvard Crimson (Massachusetts) — “Group Asks Phone-Tax Resistance” by Micrael S. Feldberg (March 5)

The Harvard Crimson (Massachusetts) — “Tax Resisters Hold Phone Tax Protest” by Jeremy S. Bluhm (February 26)


The Abolitionist — “Reflections in a Polluted River” by John Brotschol (November)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Anti-Tax Rallies At IRS Offices Protest Vietnam” (April 16)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Call Off the War” (April 16)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Cornell Mobe Committee Endorses Tax Resistance” (April 15)

Daily Press (Utica, New York) — “IRS Dials ‘No’ on Refusal” (April)

Harvard Crimson — “Five Members of Faculty Will Withhold War Taxes to Voice Vietnam Dissent” by Scott W. Jacobs (April 9)

Daily Illini (Illinois) — “April 15: Day to withhold taxes” by Steve Melshenker (April 9)

Newsweek — “Tax Revolt: Refusing to Pay for the War” by Wade Green (April 5)



Washington Monthly — “Tax Resistance: Hell, No — I Won’t Pay” by Kennett Love (December)

Newsday — “Why They Won’t Pay” (April 12)


The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle (Cleveland, Ohio) — “Hang Up On War!” (December)

Watertown Daily Times (New York) — “Fewer Americans Using War As Excuse for Dodging Taxes” by Alan Emory (April 19)

United Press International (San Francisco) — ““War” Tax Resister Gives Joy to Some” (April 16)

United Press International (St. Louis, Missouri) — “Folksinger again will refuse to pay income taxes” (April 13)

Watertown Daily Times (New York) — “War Protesters Balk on Paying Telephone Taxes” (March 21)

The Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca, New York) — “Ithacans Spurn Tax In Protest of War” (March 19)


The Capitol East Gazette (Washington, D.C.) — “Tax Refusal Urged by Group” (December)

United Press (New York) — “300 Writers Refuse to Pay Taxes for Vietnam War Use” (October 25)

Chicago Daily News Service — “Joan Baez: The Music Is Unimportant” (September 2)


The Kingston Daily Freeman (New York) — “Quakers List Guidelines For Viet Nam War Action” (August 30)

The Knickerbocker News (Albany, New York) — “Society of Friends Quietly Fighting War” by Dee Wedemeyer (August 30)

The Geneva Times (New York) — “Ask Quakers Not to Pay War Taxes” (August 16)

Associated Press (Washington) — “IRS Promises To Toss Book At NonPayers” by Joseph R. Coyne (August 16)

The Afro-American — “Faces fine of $1,000 or year in jail” (July 11)

Metro Service (Carmel Valley, California) — “Singer Loses War Tax Hassle, Opens School for Nonviolence” (May 21)

Associated Press — “Viet Critics May Be Slapped In Pocketbook” (April 19)

Associated Press (Albuquerque, New Mexico) — “Man Refuses to Pay Income Tax Because of War in Viet Nam” (April 17)

New York Times (Washington) — “IRS Promises To Toss Book At NonPayers” (April 15)

United Press International (New York) — “360 Refuse to Pay Tax on Income” (April 10)


Jet — “Singer Refuses Again to Pay Tax ‘For War’” (May 6)

United Press International (Ann Arbor, Michigan) — “Prof Refusing to Pay Part of Income Tax (February 24)


United Press International — “Nay Saying Taxpayers Reject Arms Expenditures (June 21)


Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Ordination Set Aside” (February 21)


Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Tax-Resisting Cleric Viewed As Crusader — or Crackpot” by Harold Harrison (December 17)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Ohio Pastor in Tax Fight Is Suspended” (May 17)

Press (Binghamton, New York) — “Pacifist Must Pay U.S. Taxes” by Robert E. Hoyt (March 22)


New York Times — “White House Picketed by Foes of Segregation, Taxes and Nerve Gas” (April 16)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Minister Refuses to File Tax Return” (April 14)

United Press — “Pacifist Given Year” (February 19)

Chicago Tribune — “Jail Hunger Striker Sent to Hospital” (February 16)


The Afro-American — “Faces fine of $1,000 or year in jail” (July 11)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Pacifist Minister Returns to Church After Prison Sting” (June 1)

Associated Press (Lewisburg, Penn.) — “Cleric Ends Tax Sentence” (May 30)

Associated Press (Lewisburg, Penn.) — “Cleric Leaves Jail After Five Month Term in Tax Case” (May 29)


Associated Press (Williamsport, Penn.) — “Minister’s Sympathizers Picket Prison Camp” (December 29)

United Press International (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Pacifist Pastor to Spurn Appeal” (December 27)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Minister Taken to Prison for Refusal to Pay Taxes” (December 22)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Lawyers to Fight On for Pastor in Tax Case” (December 13)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Attorneys for Pacifist Minister Battle On, Despite Denunciation by U.S. Judge” (December 13)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Ohio Pacifist Minister Sued for $4,682 in Taxes” (December 11)

Associated Press (New York) — “White House Reply About Pacifist Hit” (December 11)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Income Tax Troubles” (December 10)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Minister Will Not Pay Taxes For Miliary Use, May Be Forced TO Spend 53rd Birthday In Jail” (November 24)

Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “Won’t Pay Taxes, Preacher Jailed” (November 24)


Associated Press (Cincinnati, Ohio) — “‘Peacemakers’ Not to Pay Taxes” (April 15)


Gannett News Service (Washington, DC) — “Uncle Sam Gets Ready for Annual Battle With Stubborn Citizens Who Balk At Tax” (May 17)


The Cedar Rapids Gazette (Mount Vernon, Iowa) — “Gormly Says He Will Not Pay U.S.Tax” (March 15)

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) — “Anti-War Ex-Teacher Defies Uncle Sam Again on Taxes” (March 14)


Associated Press (Philadelphia) — “12 Refuse to Pay Tax in Philadelphia” (March 16)

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) — “Woman, 77, Clings To Tax-Strike Vow” (March 15)


Evening Courier (Prescott, Arizona) — “Fast, Picket Grind Begins” (August 6)

Associated Press — “Preacher Resigns Methodist Post” (May 25)

Associated Press (South Hartford, New York) — “Pastor Refuses to Pay ‘War’ Tax” (March 18)

United Press (Topeka, Kansas) — “2 Pacifists Refuse To Pay Taxes” (March 18)

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) — “Ex-Teacher Here Joins “Tax-Refuser” Movement” (March 18)

Associated Press (South Hartford, New York) — “Woman Minister Refuses To Pay Full Income Tax” (March 18)

Associated Press (Mount Vernon, Iowa) — “Mt. Vernon Objector Again Refuses to Pay Income Tax” (March 17)

Associated Press (Whittier, California) — “Pacifist Couple Refuses To Pay War Tax Funds” (March 14)


Schenectady Gazette (New York) — “59 Refuse to Pay Taxes for War Support” (March 14)

The Post-Star (Glens Falls, New York) — “The Lady is Real” (March 14)

United Press (New York) — “Minister Refuses Taxes for Arms” (March 12)

Associated Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts) — “Refuse to Pay “War” Tax” (March 1)


United Press (New York) — “Millions Gripe, But Rush to Beat Income Tax Deadline” (March 15)

United Press (Chicago, Illinois) — “Some Insist They Won’t” (March 15)

United Press (Des Moines, Iowa) — “Three Iowans Refuse To Pay Taxes For ‘War Spending’” (March 15)

United Press (Chicago, Illinois) — “Most Americans Rush to File Income Tax But Some Risk Prison as Deadline Nears” (March 15)

Kentucky New Era (Oak Ridge, Tennessee) — “Pamphlets Are Distributed At Oak Ridge; Pacifist Is Blamed” (March 15)

United Press — “‘Conscious Objectors’ Refuse” (March 15)

Associated Press (Boston) — “Tax Collector Wins, but Refusal Registers War Tax Protest” (March 15)

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) — “Pacifist Balks at “War” Use of Income Tax” (March 15)

INS (Cambridge, Massachusetts) — “War Deduction” (March 14)

Toledo Blade (Yellow Springs, Ohio) — “Fight On War Tax to Go On, Nisei Pledges” (January 21)


Associated Press (Ashland, Kentucky) — “Police Scatter “Peace” Group” (December 29)

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) — “Ex-Boro Teacher Joins 69 in Income Tax Defy” (September 15)

Toledo Blade (Ohio) — “Dodd Stays On After Dismissal By Church Group” (May 23)

Toledo Blade (Ohio) — “U.S. Files Tax Lien Against Pacifist Pastor” (May 17)

United Press (Washington, DC) — “U.S. Is Confident “Holdouts” Will Pay Their Income Taxes” (March 26)

Associated Press (Yellow Springs, Ohio) — “Widow Defies Government” (March 14)

Associated Press (New York) — “Group Plans Tax Strike” (March 13)


Associated Press (Philadelphia) — “Couple Refuse to Pay Share of Tax for War” (September 12)

Associated Press (Yellow Springs, Ohio) — “Widow Refuses to Pay War Tax” (March 15)

Associated Press (Yellow Spring, Ohio) — “Won’t Support Military With Income Tax” (March 15)


Oswego Daily Palladium (New York) — “How They Do It Out West” (October 31)

Richfield Mercury (Richfield Springs, New York) — “Freudenburg’s Shop Decorated” (October 24)

Morning Telegram (Elmira, New York) — “Smeared Farm Buildings” (October 13)

The Evening Leader (El Paso, Texas) — “Yellow Paint for Bond Slackers at El Paso, Tex.” (October 12)

Daily Times (St. Petersburg, Florida) — “New Plan to Reveal Slackers” (October 11)

Evening Independent (St. Petersburg, Florida) — “Will Ask Proved Bond Slackers to Make Statement to People” (September 27)

Evening News (Tonawanda, New York) — “Bond Slackers Forced to Buy” (September 23)

Reading Eagle (Morgantown, Pennsylvania) — “The Amish Will Not Buy Bonds” (June 12)

New York Times — “Sunday Attacks ‘Bond Shirkers’” (June 9)

Kansas City Star (Pottawatomie County, Kansas) — “On Trail of Disloyal” (June 9)

The Sun (New York) — “Loan Slacker Badly Beaten” (June 5)

The Sun (Hoboken, New Jersey) — “Loan Slacker Badly Beaten” (May 5)

Topeka Capital (Lawrence, Kansas) — “Preacher Given Coat of Tar by Strangers” (May 10)

New York Times (Yankton, South Dakota) — “Seize Live Stock For Loan” (May 6)

New York Evening Telegram — ““Bond Slacker” Fears Lynching and Disappears” (May 5)

New York Herald — “German to Kiss Flag To-Night or Buy Liberty Bond” (May 4)

New York Herald — “Pastor Explains His Refusal to Aid Loan” (May 4)

Evening News (North Tonawanda, New York) — “Final Round-Up of Bond Slackers” (May 3)

Oswego Palladium (New York) — “Showered With Yellow Paint” (May 2)

Watertown Times (New York) — “Didn’t Buy Bonds, Gets Yellow Coat” (May 1)

Naples Record (Connellsville, Pennsylvania) — “Stripped and Painted: Liberty Bond Detractor Is Given Drastic Treatment” (April 24)

Naples Record (Butler, Pennsylvania) — “Disloyal Remarks Are Punished” (April 23)

Ithaca Daily News (Oklahoma) — “4¼—4¼—4¼” (April 18)

New York Herald (Lincoln, Nebraska) — “Disloyalty in Nebraska Means 20 Years in Jail” (April 10)

Daily News (Ottumwa, Iowa) — “Yellow Coat for Pacifist” (March 15)

New York Herald — “Woman Teacher is Suspended on Pacifist Charge” (March 14)


Binghamton Press — “Imprison Americans Who Refuse to Pay War Tax” (November 24)


New York Times — “Heard About Town” (May 19)