April 15, 2022 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Fresno, CA 93888-0002 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is my completed Form 1040 tax return for the year 2021 including the necessary schedules. I have underpaid for the year. This letter, along with the enclosed War Resisters League “pie chart,” explains why, as a… Continue reading
Randy Kehler Betsy Corner
Dear IRS – As in past years, you will find enclosed our federal tax forms which we have filled out as accurately as possible. What you will not find enclosed is any payment. This is because we cannot in good conscience willingly pay for the wars and killing perpetrated by our government, nor for the… Continue reading
Letter to the IRS: Chris Moore-Backman
April 15, 2022 To Whom It May Concern at the Internal Revenue Service: Please find my enclosed 1040 form for tax year 2021. I’m including this letter in order to explain why payment for my calculated 2021 tax of $1970.00 is not also enclosed. Since 2000, I have refused payment of my taxes because US… Continue reading
Letter to IRS: Former State Department Worker Refuses to Pay for Killing Civilians

Dear friends at the IRS, I am withholding 20% of my taxes this year as I cannot morally or legally support the U.S. military’s indiscriminate killing of many thousands of innocent civilians, including several U.S. citizens, in recent years. The intentional killing of U.S. civilians (three in Yemen in Sept. 2011) “without due process of… Continue reading
War Tax Resister Profile: Howard Waitzkin and Mi Ra Lee
Statement from Howard Waitzkin to the IRS for Tax Year 2017: I am a Conscientious Objector (CO) to war, based on religious and ethical beliefs, as recognized and certified 36 years ago by the U.S. Selective Service System. My beliefs as a CO have prevented me from participating in military service. However, I have devoted… Continue reading
Taxing Issues

The IRS has been so quiet lately that it’s been hard to find topics to write about — except for interesting historical notes or the horrors resulting from the massive U.S. military budget. But three people got in touch recently with three different issues. At a time when war tax resistance seems pretty quiet too,… Continue reading
Richard and Carolyn Yoder 2019
Dear Friends: We have sent our U.S. Individual Income Tax Return for 2019 electronically. Of the total tax that is due the IRS, we are withholding $200.00. We do this as a way of honoring our values, giving concrete expression to our opposition to war and the use of our tax dollars for financing war…. Continue reading
David Hartsough 2020
Dear Friends, This year Tax Day is July 15. Thought you would be interested in this letter my wife and I have written the IRS refusing to pay for wars and preparations for wars. We find it very difficult to pray and work for peace and then pay for wars. We would welcome your… Continue reading
Carol Caffrey
April 15, 2020 IRS Fresno, CA 93888-0002 To whom it may concern: I am withholding half of my taxes because I am a Christian. Killing is against my conscience as stated in the 10 Commandments. Taxes for the military kill directly and indirectly. Directly, when there are wars, drones, or perhaps some military actions. Indirectly,… Continue reading
War Tax Resister Profile: Howard Waitzkin and Mi Ra Lee

[Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts from a letter that Howard Waitzkin and Mi Ra Lee wrote the IRS and included with their 2017 tax return. Thank you for sharing!] Statement of Resistance from Howard Waitzkin to the IRS for Tax Year 2017: I am a Conscientious Objector (CO) to war, based on religious and… Continue reading
Aaron Falbel 2019
To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find my federal tax return for the year 2018, which I have filled out honestly and accurately to the best of my knowledge. However, I have not enclosed payment for the amount indicated on line 22. I have redirected this amount to organizations that promote peace, justice, reconciliation,… Continue reading
Susan Lee Barton 2019
To the Internal Revenue Service Copies to : Rep. Dwight Evans, Senator Bob Casey, Senator Patrick J. Toomey, President Donald Trump To my government representatives, My 2018 tax return says that I owe $215 in taxes. I am once again writing to explain why I will not pay the amount I owe to the federal… Continue reading