
Choosing Simple Living

Live simply so that others may simply live.

Recently redmoonsong, who lives in North Carolina and is a committed war tax resister among her many other activities, sent the list below to NWTRCC with this note: Here’s the page I mentioned to you on the phone. One of the things I love about it is that each one begins with action (I really… Continue reading

“The Boys Who Said No” and other anti-war media

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve come across a lot of media of interest to war tax resisters and our supporters! There’s a film in development called The Boys Who Said No, about draft resisters during the Vietnam War. The film name is a reference to that iconic poster of Joan Baez and her… Continue reading

Building connections at a San Diego teach-in

by Anne Barron (Introductory editorial note: On February 15, Activist San Diego hosted a teach-in about war tax resistance, organized by Anne Barron, a war tax resistance counselor and NWTRCC network activist. The promotional materials said: “Communities around the world are resisting American militarism. Join us in a discussion of how each one of us… Continue reading

War tax resisters: Taking action around the world

Divest from the Pentagon! No taxes for war!

I’m so pleased today to highlight some of the amazing work war tax resisters are doing, both in war tax resistance work and in addition to refusing to cooperate with military taxation! Kathy Kelly was arrested yesterday at Volk Field with fellow Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCNV) activist Brian Terrell for crossing onto the base… Continue reading

Dodging the Modern Draft

In the past week, the media has been abuzz about a House bill proposing that women be forced to register for the draft with the Selective Service. (The sponsoring Republicans have actually introduced this bill to object to the inclusion of women in all combat roles.) The discussion seems to be primarily about whether women… Continue reading

Flashes from the Past

In going through some old files recently a few tidbits of historical, inspirational, and/or organizing interest surfaced: In the midst of an election year (it feels more like years) a flyer from the early 1970s is a refreshing change from everything we are hearing from the current crop of candidates. Elizabeth Taylor (no, not that… Continue reading

What is a war tax resistance counselor?

One of the ways NWTRCC supports war tax resisters is by providing a list of war tax resistance (WTR) counselors across the country who you can contact. The role of this counselor is a bit different from, but in some ways the same as, other types of counselors, such as school counselors or advisers, or… Continue reading

Days of War Tax Action 2016 Press Release

Days of War Tax Action 2016 PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: January 15, 2016 Contact: Ruth Benn, Coordinator National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) PO Box 150553, Brooklyn, NY11215 • 800-269-7464 From Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday to Tax Day A Call to Invest in People, Divest From the Pentagon “A nation that continues… Continue reading

Collection Is Not a Resistance Failure

I was wondering what war tax resisters were thinking about in 1996, which is as far back as our archived newsletter archives go. (Answer: pretty much the same things in different contexts!) I came across a piece on the effectiveness of war tax resistance from Sallie Marx and Robert Hieger of New York City War… Continue reading

Martin Sheen backs this war-tax-resisting group

Catholic Worker logo in a woodcut black-and-white art style. Showing a cross behind Jesus in the center, with a light-skinned woman on the left holding a basket and carrying a baby on her back, and a dark-skinned man on the right holding a pickaxe.

Since I joined the war tax resistance movement, I’ve had many opportunities to get to know friends in the Catholic Worker houses around the country, including in New York City, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas. Catholic Worker houses offer a place to sleep, meals, and/or support for those in need, which may include homeless, poor, mentally… Continue reading

Video: Complicity and Collection – Religious Freedom and Tax

At our November 2015 conference in Las Vegas, University of Nevada – Las Vegas law professor Jennifer Carr spoke to us about her research paper, “Complicity and Collection: Religious Freedom and Tax.” Our audio recording of her talk and the ensuing discussion is now available online, synced up with slides from her PowerPoint. This is… Continue reading