National War Tax Resistance
Coordinating Committee Meeting
May 6, 2018 * Los Angeles, California
Present: Ruth Benn, NWTRCC Outgoing Coordinator (Brooklyn, NY); Lincoln Rice, NWTRCC Incoming Coordinator (Milwaukee, WI); Peter Smith, Michiana WTR (South Bend, IN); Bill Glassmire (Corvallis, OR); Sue Barnhart, Taxes for Peace Not War (Eugene, OR); Robert Randall (Brunswick, GA); Coleman Smith, New South Network of War Resisters + AdComm (Asheville, NC); Chrissy Kirchhoeffer, AdComm (St. Louis, MO); Gary Erb, Boulder War Tax Information Project (Boulder, CO); Erica Leigh, Communications Consultant (Seattle, WA); David Gross (San Luis Obispo, CA); Bill Ramsey (Mars Hill, NC); Jay Sordean, No Cal WTR/PLF (Berkeley, CA); Mich Levy (Oakland, CA); Rick Bickhart, co-Treasurer (Ridgeway, CO); Susan Quinlan (Berkeley, CA); Anne Barron, Peace Resource Center of San Diego + AdComm (San Diego, CA); Cathy Deppe, So Cal WTR + AdComm (Los Angeles, CA); Randy Ziglar (Santa Monica, CA); Leila Ghasemi (Hawthorne, CA)
Virtual: Ginny Schneider, Maine WTR Resource Center (Portland, ME); Andy McKenna (Austin, TX); Sarah Mueller, Social Media Consultant (Philadelphia, PA)
Peter goes over the consensus process.
1 – Introduction (Focusing on “What is Most Alive in You as Regards NWTRCC’s Work?”)
Thoughts to Strengthen NWTRCC – strengthen community of NWTRCC with its local WTR groups and local social justice groups, living and intergenerational memory into new methods, coming back after inactivity in WTR and busyness with other ventures, vibrant activity with local direct action, intersectionality with other groups happening now with NWTRCC, effectiveness of WTR, support movement building, redirection funds, reparations, waiting for (hopefully soon) major wtr growth/mass movement, openness and coordination, website work, penalty fund, listening to non-WTRS, energized by NWTRCC meetings, build better foundation for WTR, need for preparation & training, intersectionality possibility of redirection, fostering international connections.
2 – Consultant Reports
Coordinator (PDF report) – 1) Ruth’s Last Coordinator Report. Answers to questions: Lincoln & Ruth will meet in Brooklyn after the meeting to pass on knowledge, and separate old files into what should be kept and what should be sent to archives. There is extra money set aside for overlap of coordinators. She has enjoyed connections with folks around the country.
Communications Consultant (PDF report) – Answers to questions: Erica has moved from being the Social Media Consultant to Communications Consultant. Please send newsletter content and ideas for improvement to Erica. She’ll continue the blog and take on literature. Need more original content for Twitter and other social media.
Social Media Consultant (PDF report) – Answers to questions: Internet connection issues with Sarah prevented her from talking to us. Erica acclaimed Sarah’s work on social media. Erica shared that asking questions and original content important for engagement. With only 5 hrs/week, she may not have time to measure metrics. Ruth shared that web stats are available, but not brought to this meeting. Peter or Dave could help with collecting for a future meeting.
Other Reports – AdComm Anne shared that coordinator will focus more on fundraising and outreach, since website/newsletter responsibilities are shifting to Erica. Bill G. shared about the hiring process. Collected applications until mid-February. Twenty-some inquired, six to seven turned in applications. Four were interviewed. Lincoln only candidate that checked all the boxes of desired qualifications.
Consensus Decision– Peter S. proposed that Lincoln Rice be authorized to open financial accounts (savings, checking, etc.) for NWTRCC. All agreed. Proposal passed. (Note: Already part of Handbook description for Coordinator, but putting this in the minutes will make it easier for Lincoln to open accounts in Milwaukee.)
3 – AdComm Nominees
Coleman and Bill G. are finishing their terms on AdComm this meeting. We have two nominees. Six others were nominated, but did not accept nominations.
Consensus: DeCourcey Squire (Minneapolis, MN) approved for AdComm. Samantha Leuschner (Carmel, NY) approved as AdComm Alternates.
4 – Finances (report link)
We are in good shape, especially with the Craigslist grant, which we never know is coming. Postage is over because it was not budgeted for regarding a special appeal for the Coordinator transition.
5 – Affiliate Support Fund Request
Maine WTR sent a second request informal for a reimbursement. NWTRCC provided funds to the group in previous years and $250 this year when they made their first request. Ad Comm recommends not approving the request. NWTRCC will be creating a form for these specific requests. It should have been created previously, but was an oversight. A reminder was given that part of NWTRCC’s mission is to support Affiliates.
Consensus: Defer action on this, do more outreach with affiliates about these funds, and make decisions later in year via Ad Comm or CC meeting. All support with two stand-asides.
6 – Fundraising
Committee has been actively meeting. New objectives for this year with a timeline are in place. If successful, it will bring in an additional $6,000. We are looking for new members. Anne Barron volunteered. Any suggestions for the group: ask local church social justice groups for funds, NWTRCC does have a fiscal sponsor if people/groups desire to make tax-deductible gifts.
7 – Objectives Review (PDF document)
Q & A: Sam noted to Ruth that giving workshops achieves better results than tabling. Joining a panel to provide intersectionality is what many groups are looking for. A focus this coming year will be speaking at college campuses. Lincoln, with spare time, can reach out to local affiliates to help with transition and see what they need. Suggestions to add more funds to support local groups in Nov budget to better fulfill priorities in objectives. Suggestion to have something like a TED talk/national tour on WTR available (someone like David Waters / Matthew Hoh). Suggestion to join panels/etc with other local groups and movements happening later this year. Also suggestion to add more money to budget for Objective 4f & 4g.
8 – Endorsements
1) Proposal to endorse Stop Trump Military Parade. (For details of proposal, see CC meeting materials.) Ad Comm suggests endorsing the proposal. Q&A, the group running the movement is a huge coalition. Endorsed: All approve with one stand-aside. 2) Proposal to tentatively endorse Women’s March on the Pentagon, allowing for network to respond. Tentatively Endorsed: There will be two weeks after notification to network to block.
9 – Future Gathering Locations
One offer for November 2018 from Cleveland. Note that hosting groups used to plan meeting content on own and offer content with proposal. Now, NWTRCC is willing to help local groups with planning. Greater stress is on finding offers with suitable space. Note that the November date is near the election… keep in mind. Approved: Cleveland for November 2018 meeting.
Coleman volunteered to check with New Orleans for May 2019.
10 – Evaluation of Weekend
Great meeting space and housing from LACW. Good programming. Touched and fortunate to be at meeting (first meeting). Quaker session was great. Person who stopped by yesterday by chance really liked sessions. More time for connections/breaks. Made great connections. Wonderful presentations-more time to translate into WTR. Excited to see new people engaging with us. Good presentations. Workshops 101 & 102s better this year (not sure why). Familial gathering-keeping/creating connections. Great space & vibe. Great LAX hosting. Lack of actions steps with racism and Poor People’s Campaign-need for that in future-takes time. Divest panel was loosely connected, maybe can’t be tighter. Good food, though often late. Small groups were good. Logistics organizing great. Established connections. Fun. Good to dive into our own racism in future. Good Divest panel and race discussion. CW was great! Meeting space a home run. Good people. Glad to stay for whole conference, not possible at last conference. Great LAX hosting. Food not to foodie standings. Great beans with supper. Thankful for finding other connections. For racism/Poor People’s Campaign, need to continue this, maybe with facilitator. Difficult to deal with one person Saturday-left disruption and feelings of anger. More relaxed this weekend than previous weekends to discuss future of WTR. Good getting to know NWTRCC folks and their intersectional connections. Great time. LACW great. Moments with strong emotions, some with resolution… others not. NWTRCC does not use intersectionality in same way as other groups. FUN! Feels like home. We are a beautiful institution… though racism and ageism are issues. Awesome food. Great place to stay. Able to take nap. 10 out of 10. Great time downtown for Cinco de Mayo. 8 folks with Bill G for WTR 101 – great amount of folks.
Thanks to all their work getting the weekend organized!
See the blog report by Erica Leigh
See the blog report by Ruth Benn
Video from Opening Night Panel on Divesting from War, Occupation, and Racism
The video is shaky at the beginning, but smooths out quickly.