Comments on: Yes, it’s time for a tax strike Thu, 23 Mar 2017 22:37:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Bassett Thu, 23 Mar 2017 22:37:42 +0000 I have been organizing to encourage people to become war tax resisters for a very long time. Recently I have noticed people talking about the horrible Ronald Ragan era in the 1980s when military spending skyrocketed. People are talking about that because they see it happening again now with the Trump administion. During the Reagan years there was a peace organization called the Conscience and Military Tax Campaign (CMTC) that had a goal of collecting 100,000 signatures of people agreeing to resist as a group when the goal was reached. After a number of years of significant effort only10,000 signatures were collected. This year I have been doing significant out reach to determine the willingness of people to consider WTR. Some well-known people have alluded to the possibility but none have signed on to act. Since I am going to resist a significant amount of taxes this year, I have asked people I know to personally support me. The positive response I have received reminds me of the significant support I received when I was taken to court in 1985. But few of the many people who are willing to support me are willing to join me in resistance. so I don’t think we’re ready yet for a significant collective action.
