Comments on: Is War Tax Resistance Elitist? Thu, 03 Dec 2015 20:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Wed, 11 Feb 2015 23:53:55 +0000 I am of the persuasion that war tax refusal is ONLY “elitist” in that WTRs have grappled with conscience. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the greater part of the masses will always struggle with life’s basic necessities: gaining access to food, clothing, shelter. Fewer will be able to partake of higher education. And the fewest of all will acheive “self actualization”. If we equate “elitism” not with monetary wealth but instead reaching a place of fulfillment within oneself, a level of realization or actualization, then perhaps WTRs ARE elitist… Those people I have encountered that do war tax refusal are compelled to do it – and perhaps could not live contented if they did not. Perhaps the right word is NOT elitist. Perhaps better terminology might be “ethicist”.
