Comments on: A NEW HOPE (Sam’s October College Tour) Fri, 01 Dec 2017 16:05:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Koplinka-Loehr Fri, 01 Dec 2017 16:05:21 +0000 Hey Pam! Yeah i think that folks have been around for a while (or OF as u say) have a place, and it should start by y’all backing and supporting younger activists with our projects and work. After a relationship and trust has been built, then there’s the potential for all sharing ideas together.
The issue of nonviolence I think can also be a problem with building trust – the thinking about “nonviolence” from the 60s and 70s I don’t think applies anymore, and you have people on the left labeling younger activists as more “militant” or “violent” when in fact there’s a different definition of violence. Nonviolence is being used as a way to discredit younger activists, particularly younger activists who are black, brown, poor, and trans activists who are challenging state violence. This is absurd, and requires older white wealthier cis folks to re-assess what “pacifism” means in the face of state violence.

By: Pam Wed, 29 Nov 2017 21:18:31 +0000 Sam – You’re absolutely right. And I would add that non-violence needs also to be discussed, and that youth pacifist/activists need to lead that as well. Here in Portland us old farts are definitely not welcome, as bearers of history or ideas. I can understand that (sort of) but am tired of waiting and speaking only to other OF’s.

What are your suggestion(s)? Do you consider peace activists important or?
