Comments on: Taxes, Relationships, and Competing Priorities Fri, 11 Sep 2020 14:33:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lincoln Rice Fri, 11 Sep 2020 14:33:19 +0000 Lindsey, Thanks for this thoughtful reflection. I really appreciated the comparison of being a WTR with being a vegan. I was a vegan for a few years. Folks often gave me looks, but no one ever thought I should be in jail… which happens from time to time when I tell someone about my war tax resistance.

By: Ruth B Thu, 10 Sep 2020 21:27:31 +0000 Thanks Lindsey. These questions seem to go round and round for many of us, perhaps for a lifetime. Luckily war tax resistance or refusal is adaptable to our own life changes. But maybe these days more than ever your question of savings vs. supporting others with few resources resonates, and I struggle with that too. It reminds me of a discussion we had years back about money (, which in part got into how people don’t like to (or are taught not to) talk about money. But another point from the discussion stood out to me also, made by Carol J – “…It is just this message people are bombarded with. You must make a lot of money because you are going to need it to take care of yourselves because the government is not going to, your neighbors are not, your community is not. That’s where I think we can offer a lot of looking at, why is that so, how can we create new communities or governments or vision that really provide those kinds of basic things for people so that they are not driven so much to think they need this much money.” I have always liked how war tax resistance leads us to thinking about all these questions and all the ways we have to work to get to the kind of world we want.
