Comments on: Dr. Strangelove II: What’s the Subtitle? Mon, 19 Oct 2020 19:29:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Hartsough Mon, 19 Oct 2020 19:29:31 +0000 IT is criminal Both to spend half our taxes on killing people and potentially putting an end to human life on our beautiful planet AND that the wealthy pay little or no taxes while the middle class and the poor pay the lion’s share. Where is SANITY and where is Justice?

By: Michael Mon, 19 Oct 2020 04:03:29 +0000 Although I love the Black Hole and all that it stands for, I must also drop a reminder that putting all the power in the hands of one unstable authoritarian man might be the best way to strategically depopulate the earth, without killing everyone through overpopulated destruction of our planet.

It seems like America has largely forgotten something that was common knowledge from even before there was a USA or even a baker’s dozen worth of English colonies: The end of the world begins with the blast of a Trump.

It doesn’t have to. This is why we need yearly co-ordinated nuclear detonations in extremely high orbit. To remind all the Ewoks down below how much destructive power their dumb little asses have.
