Comments on: Tax Resistance, Self-Employment and Health Insurance Tue, 17 Nov 2020 21:55:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ilene Roizman Tue, 17 Nov 2020 21:55:47 +0000 I’m so grateful for all the support.
Walter, you bring up an interesting (and confusing) point about self-justification. If I accept the tax subsidy, the government will pay that money to the insurance company. If I *don’t* accept the subsidy, then I’m paying the insurance company myself (with money that was supposed to go for taxes) and the government isn’t involved in the transaction. Are you saying that by not giving me the subsidy, the net result is that the government still has that money? I’m not sure how this calculation works.

By: Ginny Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:26:40 +0000 Ilene, I am sorry you have had to go through this. Please let the WTR community know how we could help you further.

By: Walter Goodman Mon, 16 Nov 2020 22:17:36 +0000 Ilene,
I support you in your journey to find the right solution for you! In some ways, it is as much a saga about our perverse healthcare system as it is about wtr.

I too have thought about the comment by Robert Randall. I am left thinking that it is a bit of self-justification. If a war tax resister accepts the subsidy, the government pays out that amount to the insurance company. If he/she pays it instead to the insurance company, the net amount doesn’t change to insurance company and the federal government. The resister may feel better, but not if their conscience is affected most directly by money earned by them going to pay for the military.

By: Lincoln Rice Sat, 14 Nov 2020 15:09:07 +0000 Ilene, Thank you for sharing your own struggle in this very thoughtful post. Your resiliency in the midst of a really challenging situation is inspiring.
