Comments on: Tax resistance in the age of Trump Wed, 14 Dec 2016 22:19:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Bassett Wed, 14 Dec 2016 22:19:46 +0000 People who have been around a while will remember the CMTC who’s premise was that when 100,000 people pledged to resist their taxes everyone would do it together to support the peace tax fund. I think that effort finally fizzled out with about 10,000 pledges. But what we learned was that once someone pledged they were much more likely to take some resistance action even though the 100,000 wasn’t reached. Just deciding to do it was a big step. The CMTC also had an escrow account and at one time a substantial amount of funds were in that account. Not sure what the status of the escrow account is these days but you never hear anything about it anymore.

Next April I will file my 1040 with the IRS and have something like $500,000 of taxable income. I am assuming the IRS will notice me and that is a good thing. If they don’t even notice you what’s the point?

By: John Stoner Wed, 14 Dec 2016 21:01:53 +0000 Thank you, Erica, for your testimony in Washington and for this report. One good response to the question you ask about growing our war tax resistance influence and power is the last paragraph of Sam Koplinka-Loehr’s blog which appeared just previous to yours on the NWTRCC blog site. People who read your blog here should look on the right side above and click the Iraq Tribunal blog, and read about supporting black-led organizing for liberation with our WTR dollars.
