Comments on: The president, his taxes and the resistance Fri, 22 Jun 2018 00:51:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Hughes Fri, 22 Jun 2018 00:51:36 +0000 Nice article Ruth, and valid questions. Larry Bassett, your statement “You know where I am at! Come and get me! Make my day!”…MADE MY DAY !! Lol

By: David Gross Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:41:18 +0000 Twitter is full of people this week saying “we should” stop paying taxes in protest against Trumpery. I set up a search and I keep one eye on the tweets as they parade past. Most of them are just blowing off steam or puffing up their chests in a context where they figure nobody will hold them to what they’re saying.

But every once in a while I see someone who seems to be sincere. I had a good conversation yesterday with someone curious about the methods and possible consequences of neglecting to pay estimated taxes. She seemed ready to take the plunge.

Social media can be a good foot-in-the-door for one-on-one outreach in this way. But you do have to fish patiently.

By: Ed Hedemann Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:22:09 +0000 Nice piece! Yes, I do wonder about all those people who early last year said they’re not paying as long as Trump keeps his taxes hidden, assuming he must have cheated (however, it is possible his tax forms are legit, just embarrassing). Like the threat of impeachment, I’m not holding my breath whether the IRS will ever bring charges against Trump and, if they do, whether they’ll stick with meaningful consequences.

But I do think it’s problematic for principled tax resisters to sic the IRS after political enemies, as many Democrats and other anti-Trump people have done. For snakes and others who have something to hide, exposure is more effective; and for us, IRS attention, as Ruth notes, does make it easier to organize. Though I’m not volunteering.

By: LarryBassett Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:48:28 +0000 At this moment I probably owe the IRS a quarter of $1 million when you add on the interest and penalties on my unpaid taxes. I continue to expect the IRS to do something More than send me the usual letters and lien notices but so far that is as far as they have gone. That could of course all change tomorrow. And part of me really wants to do all change and for them to do something dramatic. Historically conscientious reisters make poor targets for the government. Even when the government seems to win those of us who are doing the right thing for the right reasons I’ve been win the public relations war. The conclusion of the as yet unreleased documentary The Pacifist is a challenge to the IRS. You know where I am at! Come and get me! Make my day!
