Comments on: Maladjusted to a War Culture Wed, 29 Jun 2016 23:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anne Barron Wed, 29 Jun 2016 23:00:27 +0000 Thanks, Ruth, for excellent report back. We have been talking here in San Diego about gun culture, especially in light of the Pulse massacre and Congress’ refusal as usual to move on gun control. I am pretty sure the second amendment gives us the right to own a musket, and the shot, and the pluggy thing that helps you load it after each time you shoot.

While Congress and others blame NRA, I think it goes much deeper than that. The big supporter of gun mania is our military-industrial complex but you won’t get an elected official to say that. If we stop buying their guns, there goes the profit.

So California will have a gun-control ballot question this November. If we can get people to say “no” to guns, it moves our thinking as a country as well away from war.
