Comments on: Does the Hobby Lobby decision matter to war tax resisters? Tue, 01 Aug 2017 18:13:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pam Alleee Fri, 14 Aug 2015 16:02:51 +0000 I will not try to answer this logically, but my gut feeling is to mistrust allying with folks who would otherwise prefer to quash me – if they noticed me at all. Too many women and children have suffered from being forced to give birth or be born into a situation riddled with extreme hardship or lack of love. A woman’s access to control of her ability to reproduce does not guarantee that this will never happen again but surely there would be many fewer cases of children who are physically and spiritually malnourished, and women whose access to using their full potential is amputated, requiring superhuman exceptionalism to regain. The Hobby Lobby folks are relying less upon universal respect for life and more upon an ancient system of anti-female patriarchy than upon love and reason. I doubt that they will in turn stand with those of us who refuse to support war in any of its forms.
